Welcome to FilesFound!

Has anyone shared it online before? I wanted to make a simple website where I could share and write about the things that I find... And so, FilesFound! was born!

12/08/24 |
12/08/24 |
05/08/24 |
Gardening Town |
05/08/24 |
Pingu Desk Top Character Video Article now on YouTube! |
29/07/24 |
FilesFound! to start posting video versions of articles to YouTube! Car Screensaver -Toyota- up now |
23/07/24 |
NEC Multimedia Art Grand Prize 95 Award Winning Works Collection |

FilesFound! aims to update every Monday!
Currently I have a large backlog of found files to write about.So, for the time being, I'll aim to post at least one article every Monday!
Video versions of articles now being posted to the FilesFound! Youtube Channel!

Narrated by Daisy, the FilesFound! computer 🖥️🌼
To follow the FilesFound! RSS feed, copy the link with this button:

For Twitter updates, follow the FilesFound! Twitter account here: @filesfoundposts
FilesFound! has an archive.org account here: @filesfound
FilesFound! has a GitHub account here: @filesfound
Want to get in touch? Send an email to: filesfoundmail@gmail.com

FilesFound! aims to share things that are interesting, unique or unusual - never personal!
Any found files that include personal or confidential information will be obfuscated or removed.
Content posted here is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only.
Article titles with 🔞 reference adult material but will not be explicit and will be censored where appropriate.