Treasure Windows 🔞

Posted on 10/06/24

Alright, this one's gonna be quick.

Like I've mentioned before, compilation CDs of Windows software can often be a great way to find all kinds of uncommon tools and programs - Online Software Volume 2 - 1000 Utilities was a great example of that!

But, going by just the title alone for random CDs I buy online probably isn't always the best idea...

The CD for Treasure Windows

"Treasure Windows! That must mean this CD is full of treasure... For Windows! Like software :)"

This is fully what I expected.

Let's take a look at all those Windows Treasures!

Using the CD

When I launched the CD, I laughed a lot.

A video demonstrating Treasure Windows

Wait a second... Where's the tools? Where's the software?

Excuse me girls, can you show me where the screensaver section is...?

Wow, you sure are a friendly lot of software engineers!

Anyway, here's the music, because it's great:

Track 01 from Treasure Windows

Track 02 from Treasure Windows