Flames MiniDisc

Posted on 24/06/24

In my previous article about the BASS #8 MiniDisc, I wrote a little about what MiniDiscs were and how I get audio from them onto modern PCs.

When looking for another MiniDisc to write about, there was another that stood out to me in my collection - one I'll be calling the Flames Minidisc.

The front of the Flames Minidisc

When I first saw this one in the box of random MiniDiscs I'd got online, I knew whatever was on here had to be good. Look how badass it is! Someone probably saved this for their most intense playlist...

Let's take a listen:


It's full of ska music!!

Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

Specially, live music by the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra.

Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra is a Japanese ska and jazz band that was formed in 1988. I'm reading that the band quickly gained popularity in Japan (and internationally as well) for their energetic live performances.

They seemed to have reached the height of their popularity in the 1990s and early 2000s and were most known for their dynamic stage presence and eclectic musical style.

They seem like a fun group of guys!

Listening to more than a few of the songs on the MiniDisc in succession makes me feel a bit deranged but - that's music, baby!!

Music on the MiniDisc

Using the mobile app Shazam, I was able to ID all of the tracks on the Flames Minidisc, except for the last.

Track 01: Peddlers
Track 02: Strange Bird
Track 03: Monster Rock
Track 04: Woman of Wuhan
Track 05: Shot in the Dark
Track 06: Hole in One
Track 07: Yojigen Sanmyaku
Track 08: World Famous
Track 09: Burning Scale
Track 10: The Look of Love
Track 11: Catch The Rainbow
Track 12: Skadon
Track 13: You Don't Know
Track 14: Hurry Up!!
Track 15: Mr. Mystery Shuffle
Track 16: [Unknown Track]

My original intention was to link YouTube uploads of these tracks rather than upload the whole MiniDisc to Soundcloud and risk getting flagged for copyright, but I actually can't find the specific live versions of these songs. I don't know what performance these are from, but if anyone has more information, feel free to let me know!

Maybe don't listen to all BASS #8 MiniDisc and the Flames MiniDisc back to back, by the way. I think it would do something to you.

UPDATE: 01/07/24

A source for BASS #8 has been found - it's an album by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra called "Moods for Tokyo Ska, We Don't Know What Ska Is!".

Thanks to RavenWorks in the comments, and thanks for identifying that last song name, too ("Shinanomachi Shuffle")!
